
my gila2 partner

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Thursday 4 August 2011

jom tiru macam saye!! follow me,,

sape yang suke menbuk nebuk muke tu boleh lah tiru mcm mereka neyh,, nampak cool kan? 
ekstreme piercing,,... sakit woo,, korang ade?? 
dulu masih ingat my sister tebuk telinge die... dat time aku ingat die tebuk gune penebuk kertas tu,, besar lubang kat kertas kajang uhh,,
eee,, seram,, tapi tg gambar2 ni lagi besar dari lubang penebuk kertas tuu,,,
sebesar gelang tangan!! ahah!
ergghhhh... tak yah kunyah gune gigi,, potong je gune pisau tuhh!

Wednesday 1 June 2011

gaye 'PLANKING' terbaru.. gejale ke budaye?

ah ah, itu bukan ikan dolpin,,,

Friday 6 May 2011

Syukur lah anak2 korang tak macam ni. . .(korang ade anak ke?? -_-?

Penat selepas main 'stinkball'

more from KITTY GALORE,,,,

Feminin site of mr. bean?? sangat ayu okayy!

Thursday 5 May 2011

pikiran BLUE korang--> jangan tipu!!

aku akan berpura2 menjadi baik. . .

Kalau lah betul die boleh cakap camtu,, alaa,, sebatang pokok je,, ape yang korang pikirkan??(click 'read more')

tidak ke dorang ni sangat adorable? lagi comel dari korang!

Korang boleh ambil HTML kod tu dan taruk kat BLOG korang kalau nak,, good for commenting too..
Funny Comments For Hi5

Hi5 Oh tidakkah die ni adorable!!,,,,, sangat comell cute!! nak picit2 je pipi die... die ni nampak bahagia kan???
html code-<a href=""><img src="" alt="Funny Comments For Hi5" title="Funny Comments For Hi5"/></a><p><a href="">Hi5 Comments</a> & <a href="">Hi5 Graphics</a><p><a href=""><img src="" alt="Hi5" title="Hi5"/></a>

15 Jawapan exam yang kelakar.

post kali ni nak tunjuk kat korang antara jawapn ujian yang memang sengal,,,

Perempuan tak boleh dipercayai ke?? ngahahhaha!

TOP 15 resit yang agak kelakar.. kelaka ke??

Kali ni nak kongsi dengan hangpa tentang top 15 resit yang lawak... tak taw la lawak ke tidak,, aku pun gelak2 cam cencurut gak,, chit3!!

At least Percuma kan????

TOP, list secret death and horrifying pictures, confidential, untold death and accident stories. 18years old and above

TOP, list secret death and horrifying pictures, confidential, untold death and accident stories, extreme killer, FBI cases, over-rated pictures and video, 18years and above, hardcore!
Site which showing you hardcore misteryous cases and accidents/killing, homiside and suicide cases.
Please use google translator to understand the meaning and language,,,

OH!! skarang baru tahu asal emoticon. . . .154

thanks to these kucengss,,

Wednesday 4 May 2011

muat turun greasemonkey percuma, firefox add on percuma.. dan google chrome percuma

Tested! Nufnangs ads . .. .clicking advertisement, learn how.

--click,,, what the problem??

top BIZARRE-pelikss stories of animal getting stucks! tersangkut?

GOOD MORNING MALAYSIA N WORLD!! n yup,in  this post i will tell you like the best story teller!! The stories about bizarre circumstances of animals getting stuck! especially head part, I feel Funny but at the same time pity a little bit like,'aooooo,, poor dog,,, alallala,, alalalala~!!' ok, thats annoying isn't it, the truth is i was like 'HAHAHAHHAHAHA' when i saw these picture,, i keep wondering how can this animal get stuck?? check out-->

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It was a fine day until Gracie managed to get its head to stuck between  the separate section of the trunk(she love to do it. . .)..
nasib baik ade pakcik bernama Jason Harschbarger, dari West Virgina USA terdengar bunyi kuda ni, (i dunt know how its sound like,, but it whynnying i guess??) lalu menyelamatkannya menggunakan chainsaw. the nice pakcik cut the tree part slowly n slowwly,, n slowwllyyyy! (Gracie-cilaka punye pakcik,,, im dyinggggg!!!)
-tidakkah gambaran seperti Winnie the Poop
(i mean Pooh) tersangkut dekat pokok yang bermadu???)

CUBA teka patung2 ni di buat dari ape kalau korang hebat??

Di tangkap ketika SKODENG. . . . 18++

ngahaha,, mate tu laju je kalau bab2 'part' tu kan.... so yang ni ade gak artis di tangkap ngah skodeng,,, ngahahahahaha!!!!  jagelah mate korang,,

Haha,,, KIM KARDASHIAN tuu... and the upper girl yg ngah tengah senyum tu cam,, com'on men,,, mine bigger!!,, haha.. (BTW, kim sengaje je posing!!)

Top 12 bizarre-pelikss I/C dan pasport. bet u have one???

my gosh,, i loved to lough actually coz i'm a student, being a student so much deppres/ed... stress.. and pressure,,, and 90% daripada tu adalah buatan kita sendiri,, ngahahaha,,, tido lambat(aku,,), kelas masuk lambat(aku..), ponteng kelas (aku jugak,,,), asyik blogging..(aku jugak,,, baru 4 hari,,,)...
so ape kate kita bergelak ketawe ngan gambar2 ni. . . ngehngehngeh... dun be offense to the country mention, its nothing,,,,

Selamat berkenalan ngan Batman Bin Suparman... dinamakan sempena 2 orang superhero. tentunya ibubapa die peminat setia komik . the most funny part is 'batman anak suparman'.. oh his parent misspell E?? haha!

Tuesday 3 May 2011

Osama bin Laden pun ade GAME FLASH???? dasyat!!!

Yuppp... baru beberapa hari osama bin laden di laporkan mati,, walaupun tidak pasti tentang kesahihan berita tu tetapi dah ade pihak yang dah wat Flash game die beberapa jam lepas die mati!! (oh ayat aku cam bebelit ckit kan,, watevahh!!),,,,,
Ade orang upload game tu dekat laman web game online (aku selaloo je kot main kat dalam web ni, ,,, game die seriously bodoh but eventually creative flash game,,, so pasni xnak lah main dah kat situ (bajet lahh!!!)... nama game tu MUJAHEDIN,,, jaat kan???   so here some of the pics-->

Goshhh,, i dun expect they came up with this idea. . . .??

Muke penjenayah ganaz2 ke? think again,, haha,,,!

TAKE A DEEP BREATH>>>>>> and look! haha,,

No, it is not Photoshop,, name die Carlos Rodriguez.. ditangkap mase tengah mengumpul prostutute.... well, ok lah tu, still can smile kan?? taikkkkkkkkk(cube sebut, mesti korang senyum kan??,, hahahahha)

ape boleh buat dengan BELON???? what??

kalau budak kecik,,, dapat belon, tiup pastu kempis takpun meletup,,  teringat mase kecik2 dulu aku suke maen belon yang 20sen tu,, alaa yang macam air tu, bekas die macam bekas water colour tu,, die punye peniup warne kuning2 tu.. . . kita taruk kat peniup tu, pastu bulatkan mengikut mulut kite,,, rasenye,, ptuihhhh cam toksin!! (eh aku tak taw la rase toksin camna but mmg teruk la kan,, pedas2!!).... haaa,,, itu kalau budak2!! yang korang bakal tengok ni semua benda yang diperbuat dari belon,, creative + smart!!!

alahai,, isn't it so sweet???  now my heart can pup out from my chest! poop!

Funny animals FAILS? haha,

here are some of the pictures of animal thats having high score on FAILURE,,, F+   !!  hahaha,,!!

MOoOoooOo~ HELP ME???