GOOD MORNING MALAYSIA N WORLD!! n yup,in this post i will tell you like the best story teller!! The stories about bizarre circumstances of animals getting stuck! especially head part, I feel Funny but at the same time pity a little bit like,'aooooo,, poor dog,,, alallala,, alalalala~!!' ok, thats annoying isn't it, the truth is i was like 'HAHAHAHHAHAHA' when i saw these picture,, i keep wondering how can this animal get stuck?? check out-->
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It was a fine day until Gracie managed to get its head to stuck between the separate section of the trunk(she love to do it. . .)..
nasib baik ade pakcik bernama Jason Harschbarger, dari West Virgina USA terdengar bunyi kuda ni, (i dunt know how its sound like,, but it whynnying i guess??) lalu menyelamatkannya menggunakan
chainsaw. the nice pakcik cut the tree part slowly n slowwly,, n slowwllyyyy! (Gracie-cilaka punye pakcik,,, im dyinggggg!!!)
-tidakkah gambaran seperti Winnie the Poop
(i mean Pooh) tersangkut dekat pokok yang bermadu???)