and yeah,, 1st time i saw this fotos was like 2 months ago and now i want to share with u guys wit something amazing and i call it 'GEMPAKKK!'...
If it were in my country, dah lame dah i stand there without a single move,,,, makan ngan minum pun kat situ,, ngahahahaa....
Actually its a 3D street illusion, i dunno who made this but its totally awesome n hilarious sometimes,,, ngehehehee......
Sure!! ur head will got so much hematomas(lebam/bruises)!!! |
Dun worry.. he's strong.. HOLD IT MAN!!! |
Ahhh,,, at last i can do my skiying (ski+dying...) |
If there were a kid, he must be shouting= MUM DUN WALK THERE U DAMN IT.. oh,, whooppsss,,,, ngehehehe! |
Dun be to THRILL coz they telling you the truth!! mehmehmeh! bawah tu mmg kotor! |
Wow,, lots of monkey will mati sebab cubaan bergayut yang tak pernah berjaya!! ngahahahaa! |
YESSSS!!! at last,, i got MR. CRAB!!!!!!! no one will sell burgers other than me!! |
ALAHHH<< dah la tu, nak bajet gempak pulak,.,haha,, |
I hope that thing turns real,,, bye2 su*kers,, ngahahaha! |
PHONN PHONN!! (gosh, i dunno how to spell the sounds) |
No worries, coz he will make it with NO time! |
WOw,, amazing.. if it were in KL,,, |
U jump I run,,,,, |
what is that POKEMON??? oh it's superduperman,, |
you see all of this stuff they doin xtually o attract people. not like us,, kids in malaysia love to make things more 'adorable' n very 'hell attractive'.. ngahahaha!!-->
Haha,,, creative kan?? |
Wat is that again?? |
See,, my handset pun dorang conteng,,, ngahahaha! |
Somewhere at somewhere? |
Nice motorbike kan?? EX5.. LOL... kikikiki! |
Wow,,, macam kenal je mask yang ni?? |
-dun make vandalism,, LOVE ur country,,, adios!! ngehehehee!
very nice!!